Case :



Gender : Male
Date Of Discovery : May 18, 2018
Location Of Discovery : Toronto, Ontario
Death Interval (estimate) : Unknown
Race : Unknown
Age : 22 – 29
Height (estimate) : 165 cm – 170 cm (5’5” – 5’7”)
Weight (estimate) : Unknown
Hair Colour : Unknown
Eye Colour : Unknown


Dental Information :

Teeth – described as good

Medical Information : Unknown
Notable Identifiers : Unknown
Clothing/Jewelry :

Pants – black denim jeans, size 32/32, skinny leg, H&M brand
Pants – black cotton track pant, size Small, “Divided” brand by H&M

Undergarments – boxer style, size Small, orange in colour, “Calvin Klein” brand
Socks – black, “Puma” brand, mixed colour toe and heel

Other Personal Items : Unknown
Additional Information :

The body of this unidentified man were located in Lake Ontario, near the Ontario Place waterfront.

Contact :

Toronto Police Service – Missing Persons Unit
By phone: 416-808-7411
By direct email:
Additional Details and Contacts

Case Reference : OPP 2019010905 – NCMPUR 2019010905
Source Links :

National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains

Last Modified :
December 17, 2019

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