Case details and images presented on the public website are gathered from the following sources:


Information about missing and unidentified adults is released by police across many different platforms.  Our cases have been gathered from sources including official police websites, such as Canada’s Missing, news releases and social media.  In other instances, police proactively reach out to us to ask that specific cases be included on the website.

Families of the Missing

As a matter of policy, Ontario’s Missing Adults does not approach families of the missing, as such cold calling approaches may be traumatizing for some.  Exceptions to this policy are sometimes made where a family has posted publicly asking for assistance.

Ontario’s Missing Adults invites families of the missing to contact us directly to discuss adding a loved one to the website.  Alternatively, information can be provided by filling the Case Submission form.

Secondary Sources

Information about the missing and unidentified may be sourced and/or verified using secondary sources.  While these sources may provide additional details, all details are subject to verification.

Verification of Information

Publicly posted information is subject to verification with the detective having carriage of the case, or the police force of jurisdiction.  This helps to protect the missing adult and the integrity of the investigation.

Photos and case details posted on this web site remain the property of the sources listed on each case page.

If you have any further questions, please contact